


Egypt, president, Israel, Middle East, regional policy, USSR, UN


The article is devoted to the actual problem of consideration in the complex foreign policy course of Egypt after the change of power. On the basis of various sources, the factors influencing the adoption of changes, conditions for the formation and development of Egypt’s regional policy, primarily in relation to the Israelis, are clarified. The essence of the foreign policy of the President of Egypt, orientation, theoretical foundations and basic doctrines, as well as the main mechanisms for implementing the new foreign policy course in historical retrospective are highlighted. This process is considered in the context of constant transformations both, in Egypt itself, and in the Middle East as a whole, as well as in the context of transformations in the world system as a whole. The nature and nature of changes in the perception of imperatives of the Middle East policy in Egypt have been clarified, both under the influence of intra-regional factors – changes in building a strategy for the development of Egyptian society, and under the influence of external factors. The degree of dependence of the main prerogatives of Egyptian policy towards its environment on the context and evolution of extra-regional interests in the Middle East, in particular Soviet ones, is investigated. The conclusion is substantiated that after the anti-monarchical coup in Egypt, the foreign policy course changed dramatically, which led to the growth of a new round of military conflicts in the Middle East, and the new Egyptian leader G. A. Nasser had one goal – to become a regional hegemon, destroying the State of Israel.


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