


the absolute maximum of air temperature, absolute minimum of air temperature, amplitude of average monthly air temperatures, Volyn region, annual amplitude of air temperature, average monthly air temperature, average annual air temperature, the duration of frostless period


The article is devoted to the identification and analysis of spatial differences and trends of changes in air temperature in the Volyn region during 2001–2020. Scientific research was based on the materials of the Volyn Regional Center in Hydrometeorology using mathematical, statistical, graphical, comparative-geographical methods and cartographic methods. For the first time: 1) the average annual air temperature, amplitudes of fluctuations in average monthly air temperatures, the average value of the annual amplitude of fluctuations in air temperature, the average duration of the frost-free period, the average monthly air temperatures for all weather stations in the region and for the whole region in 2001-2020 are determined; 2) spatial differentiation and long-term dynamics of indicators of the modern thermal regime of the air in the Volyn region are reflected with the help of geoinformational modeling; 3) the trends of long-term fluctuations of the indicated indicators of the thermal regime of the air were identified and analyzed. The study found out that in the Volyn region during the first twenty years of the 21st century there is a clear tendency for climate warming: the average temperatures of almost all months of the year increase the average annual air temperatures at all weather stations, the duration of the frost-free period increases. The indicator of changes in the hydrothermal conditions of the region is the decrease in annual amplitudes of air temperature, which may indicate changes in the degree of continental climate. In the territorial aspect, the warmest is the far northwest and the southeastern part of the region; the coldest is the eastern part of the Volyn region. The spatial differentiation of the thermal indicators of the surface layer of the atmospheric air in the region is most influenced by the features of the underlying surface (the presence of large water areas, urbanized territories with artificial surfaces and buildings, features of the relief forms and hypsometric markings of the area where the weather station is located), the continentality of the climate, the features of air circulation mass, rainfall regime, latitude (angle of sunlight).


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