



innovations, museums, tourism, war, museum activities, museum tourism, innovative directions in museum studies.


Abstract. The article examines Ukrainian historical museums, which are currently developing in difficult conditions due to economic difficulties caused by limited funding for museum activities. The conditions for the use of innovative digital technologies in the work of museum institutions are analysed. The process of digitalisation of museums and its role in the work of modern museology in terms of attracting tourists, which is inseparable from the socio-cultural function of the museum space, are described. It is determined that under the influence of the latest trends in museology, which have shifted the focus from museum objects to the socio-cultural needs of visitors, society's requirements for the communication capabilities of museums have increased. In the context of information and technological development, in addition to traditional forms, modern ways of interaction between museums and society are emerging in the form of three-dimensional technologies, including creative video screenings, panoramic projection, virtual reality and animation technologies. It is substantiated that the main means of expanding the field of museum communication are cooperation with the media, involvement of specialists in museum marketing, fundraising, Public Relations and advertising, cooperation with museum associations and public organisations, the use of information technology, Internet portals and the emergence of virtual museums. The innovative services provided by European museums are studied, namely: access to museum collections, orientation in the system of cultural values, conditions for self-education, communication, creativity, leisure, recreation, assistance in educational and promotional activities; information, reference, advertising, image, tourist, innovative excursion services. The article identifies promising innovative directions in museum studies after the Victory: the emergence of new types of museums that do not have traditional forms of exhibition organisation. We are talking about interactive museums, one-exhibition museums, eco-museums, and others. First of all, these innovative forms of museums change the space, making it interactive and theatrical. It is filled with new forms of interaction: viewing a virtual exhibition online, buying museum tickets via a website, discussing problems at museum forums, using audiovisual media and formats (slides, films, photo albums, and video presentations created with the help of software).


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