subjective well-being, person with disabilities, wartime conditions, social-psychological workAbstract
The article explores the issues of subjective well-being of individuals with disabilities in wartime conditions, which has become particularly relevant and is currently drawing the attention of contemporary Ukrainian and foreign scholars. The aim of the article is to conduct a theoretical and practical analysis and characterization of the features of subjective well-being and its determinants in the conditions of wartime for individuals with disabilities. A theoretical analysis of contemporary scientific sources has been carried out, summarizing the understanding of the essence of subjective wellbeing of individuals with disabilities by Ukrainian and foreign scholars. The article generalizes and structures the main approaches to understanding the essence, structure, and features of subjective well-being. An analysis of the current state of research on the investigated problem by scholars is conducted. The main results of empirical research on the socialpsychological features of subjective well-being are presented, revealing the level of subjective well-being and happiness, studying the assessment of the quality of life of individuals with disabilities. Additionally, individual needs, criteria, and satisfaction that allow individuals with disabilities to feel well, comfortable, and maintain sufficient life productivity in wartime conditions are clarified. It is determined that in wartime conditions, the level of subjective well-being assessment by individuals with disabilities is higher when basic needs are fully satisfied; secondarily – non-material values and needs. Substantiated are the content and structure of social-psychological work on the subjective well-being of individuals with disabilities in wartime conditions. The components of such social-psychological work include prevention, awarenessraising, social-psychological counseling, psychocorrection, and psychotherapy, as well as the conduct of special training activities.
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