


adaptation, first-graders, types of adaptation, stages of adaptation, levels of adaptation, school adaptation of first-graders, conditions of successful school adaptation of first-graders


The article reveals the essence, types, stages and features of successful adaptation of first-graders to study in the conditions of NUS. The urgency of the problem is due to the solution of the problems of creating the latest educational space in which each student will be able to self-determine, realize their own creative abilities by various means and methods of activity. The purpose of the article is to determine the conditions for successful adaptation of first-graders to school. In order to achieve the goal, we consider it necessary to solve the following tasks: 1) to reveal the essence, features, types and stages of adaptation of the child to school; 2) to determine the conditions for successful adaptation of first-graders in the conditions of NUS. Adaptation is considered as a universal form of human interaction with the environment; complex socially conditioned phenomenon, characterized by the adaptation of the individual to life, to environmental conditions; the presence of changes so that the individual and the environment restore the relationship of balance; the presence of harmony and correspondence between the organism and the environment. School adaptation of first-graders is analyzed as the acceptance by children 6–7 years of age of the basic requirements for schooling, which are new to them, unusual compared to the conditions of the preschool institution in the family; harmonious interaction with new peers, the teacher and the full realization of their abilities, capabilities and needs in the school environment. Signs of the child’s adaptation period (change in the child’s social status, leading activity, social environment and partial prohibition of children’s physical activity), types of school adaptation (biological, psychological and social), stages (orientation, unstable and sustainable adaptation) and levels (high, medium), low (maladaptation). In order to successfully adapt first-graders, pedagogical conditions are determined: creation of a favorable educational and developmental environment at school, education of first-graders in the basics of culture of interpersonal interaction between classmates, activation of teacher’s facilitating role as a person accompanying child adaptation process; organization of a set of measures aimed at forming the necessary social competencies of the child.


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How to Cite

ЯСТРУБ, О. (2021). SCHOOL ADAPTATION OF FIRST GRADES. Acta Paedagogica Volynienses, (3), 172–177.

