



official investigation of servicemen, combat situation, military discipline, regulatory and legal support, cause and effect relationship, determinant, national security


In this scientific article, on the basis of the collected empirical data, the main problems that determine the decrease in the level of military discipline, as well as potential threats to the national security of Ukraine, are identified. In particular, during the analysis of the information obtained in the process of research, relating to the content of the subject of this scientific development, a number of reasons, conditions and correlates were established, which contribute to the occurrence of cases of improper performance by certain categories of military personnel in the conditions of a military environment of their official duties and are in a causal consequential connection with the level and effectiveness of the security and defense sector’s provision of the specified substantive element of Ukraine’s national security. First of all, we are talking about the procedure for conducting temporary investigations into the facts of injuries, contusions, injuries, etc. by servicemen and the occurrence of death. It has been established that the state of this activity is affected by a number of determinants, among which priority is given to those related to its regulatory and legal support in wartime conditions, since the currently active legal sources are not only outdated, since they were adopted in the conditions of the peaceful functioning of the military subdivisions and do not take into account, in this connection, the peculiarities of the subject of official investigations in the current situation that arose during the war with the Russian terrorist state, which uses types of weapons prohibited by the norms of international law during the war with Ukraine, violates the rules of war and silence, generally recognized norms of the civilized world on the specified issues. Based on this, the specified scientific article substantiates the need to amend the current legislation of Ukraine, which is related to the researched issues, taking into account those military realities that take place on the battlefield and are related to the influence of psychological and moral determinants on the serviceman.


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