



charity, charity organization, charity fund, social work, “third sector”, civil society, corruption, social initiatives


The charitable organization is a legal institution under private law, the founding documents of which determine charitable activities in one or more areas defined by the Law of Ukraine “On Charity and Charitable Organizations” and the Law of Ukraine “On Entrepreneurship”. The charity organization develops its charitable activity program which is a set of charitable activities aimed at solving tasks that meet the standard goals of the organization. Charitable organizations carry out their activities on a self-governing basis with the participation of volunteers. The International Charity Fund (ICF) “Scandinavian Children’s Mission” was founded in 1983 as a Christian organization that works to improve the lives of all poor and vulnerable children on earth, and provides medical care, education, and basic necessities to children from poor countries and regions of the Earth. It promotes the social, educational, medical, cultural, and Christian development of children from low-income families who need support and protection. The fund started working in Ukraine in 1992. The main office is located in the Swedish city of Malmo. In 2008, the mission was re-registered as the Volyn Regional Charity Fund “Children’s Mission: Ukraine” with the main office in Lutsk. Its activities are spread over the entire territory of the Volyn region and Ukraine. The primary purpose of the Fund’s activities is to provide charitable assistance, improve children’s health, organize philanthropic events for the residents of Volyn region, and provide social patronage to people who find themselves in difficult life situations. The leading direction of social activity is ongoing preventive work in the field of combating corruption (one of the biggest threats to Ukraine’s national security), overcoming corruptive influences on the creative and gifted youth of our country, and forming a civil society. VOСF “Children’s Mission: Ukraine” managed to organize many social projects and initiatives in joint partnership with the IBF “Scandinavian Children’s Mission”.


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