globalization, national security, integration, threats and challenges, national interests of Ukraine, sovereignty of the state, state language, history of the stateAbstract
The article is concerned with studying the mechanisms of influence of globalization processes on the national security of Ukraine in the context of its integration into European structures through clarification of the role and place of the state language and history of the state. An analysis of the main components of the national security of Ukraine in the aggregate of its factors such as development of the country, sovereignty, national identity, external pressure, interrelation of national and international security, counteraction to asymmetric threats has been carried out. Based on the study of regulations of foreign countries, the place of the state language in the process of acquiring citizenship as one of the constituent elements of a sovereign state has been clarified. The paper shows that the nature of threats and challenges for Ukraine in the context of globalization is due to both external factors due to the rapid opening of the country to the world, and internal ones, due to the incompleteness of the processes of formation of the country as a democratic state of the modern European type. The necessity for the State to identify new priorities related to the need to take advantage of globalization by adapting to the opportunities it opens, as well as to combat its negative consequences that it inflicts on sovereignty and national development, is highlighted. The study reveals how the national security of Ukraine can be ensured in the context of increasing negative globalization influences, in particular, by including protective mechanisms that the country can acquire on the path of European and Euro-Atlantic integration to preserve the status of the state Ukrainian language and strengthen the importance of the history of the state in nation-building processes.
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