



conflictology, international conflicts, internal political conflicts, international relations, regional analysis


The article is devoted to the study of trends in international political conflicts of our time. The main events that took place in 2023 in both international and domestic political aspects were considered. Considerable attention in the research is paid to the monitoring of subregional trends in the world political order. For the conflictology of Asian countries, territorial conflicts (Kashmir, Senkaku) played the biggest role. For European countries, the most characteristic were the conflicts also devoted to disputed territories (Kosovo, Cyprus). Separately, the authors investigated the problems of conflictology of international relations in the Middle East, as a result of which the negative influence of religious currents on maintaining peace in the subregion (Israel and Palestine) is emphasized. Among the trends observed on the African continent, the authors note the continuation of international territorial conflicts (North and South Sudan, Morocco and Polisario). Due to the study of political processes taking place in Latin America, it was determined that the region is characterized by more internal political crises and revolutionary situations, which, however, can turn into international conflicts (Venezuela, Colombia). North America can be considered the most peaceful region, however, the uneven distribution of resources and the level of economic development between countries leads to exacerbations in this region as well (USA and Mexico). The authors emphasize that UN peacekeeping missions cannot fully resolve most international conflict situations in the modern political environment. The authors consider potential motives for potential future international conflicts, among which the environmental threat should be emphasized. For example, reducing the availability of fresh water or natural resources can lead to competition and tensions in international relations. In addition, environmental threats can cause migration flows and border disputes. However, proper understanding and cooperation in the field of ecology and promoting sustainable development can contribute to strengthening international ties and solving common problems.


Примуш М.В. Політичні конфлікти та їх типи. Політичний менеджмент. 2010. № 1. С. 96–104.

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