


national security, values, national values, values of national security of Ukraine


The article clarifies the place of “national values” in the triad of the main driving forces of national security – “national values, interests and goals”, which determine the content, nature, configuration and direction of national security. “National values” are given the first place in the national security of the state, as the most stable elemental system, as opposed to “national interests”, which are formed under the influence of internal and external circumstances. The basis of consideration is the concept of “value” as a philosophical category, in its historical and cultural and civilizational development. “Value” is interpreted as a criterion and method of assessing the significance of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world for man and society, which are manifested in moral principles and norms, ideals, attitudes, etc. The main characteristic of value is the meaning and content given to certain objects of nature, material and spiritual goods. Objects (things and phenomena) become values when they enter the sphere of human existence and activity. In the sphere of state policy of national security, the category of “national values” is considered as fundamental moral norms, customs, traditions that determine the life position of people, as well as the assets of society in material and spiritual culture. National values are formed in the process of evolution of culture, economy, and technologies. Based on the analysis of worldview, cultural, historical, socio-economic, geographical, demographic features and traditions of the development of Ukraine, the essence of the “national values” category, the following system of national values of Ukraine was formed: state sovereignty, territorial integrity, democracy, family, equal rights, patriotism and devotion to the protection of the Motherland, social justice (intolerance to corruption), collectivism, peace-loving, tolerance, benevolence, nurturing the material and spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people, etc.


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