information security, full-scale invasion, national security, cyber security, information and psychological operationsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the problems of ensuring information security of Ukraine in the conditions of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation on its territory. The authors did not ignore the key events and incidents that preceded this invasion, however, they were of a dangerous nature and carried corresponding risks and threats to the national interests of Ukraine, prepared the appropriate ground for the invasion, were a kind of “pen tests” in the context of the exacerbation and deepening of the hybrid aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. It was possible to investigate such hybrid actions of the influence of an information nature thanks to the use of the “case-study” method, which involves the selection and study of individual cases and precedents. The authors also used the method of structural and functional analysis to study the structures that ensure the protection of the information space of Ukraine from hostile influences. Particular attention is paid to the study of strategic documents in the industry, which were considered using the method of content analysis. Among the trends observed in the information space of Ukraine in the context of resistance to armed aggression, the authors highlight the diversification and increase in the number of threats. Prompt response to these threats is significantly complicated by the lack of qualified specialists in the field and insufficient funding in conditions where a significant financial resource is directed for objective reasons to countering threats of a military nature. The authors established that Ukraine has made significant progress in ensuring information security, but the speed with which the development and improvement of modern technologies in the field is moving requires the Ukrainian government to make new quality management decisions to protect the information space of the state.
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