globalisation, state, patriotism, national interests, national securityAbstract
The article reveals the importance of patriotic values in ensuring national security and stability of the state, and explores the concept of patriotism as a fundamental resource for consolidating civil society, which in turn becomes a powerful tool for countering external and internal threats. The author analyses how patriotism affects the formation of a strong national identity and civic consciousness, which are crucial factors in ensuring the sustainability of state institutions in times of social and political change. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the mechanisms of formation of patriotic sentiments through the educational system and the media. The article also examines approaches to integrating patriotism into Ukraine’s national security strategy. This includes not only raising patriotic consciousness, but also the importance of a balanced approach to the realisation of national interests in the context of global challenges and the state’s international obligations. Attention is focused on how patriotism can serve as a stabilising factor that helps to strengthen the state from within, while keeping it integrated into the global context.
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