information and psychological operations, national security, hybrid warfare, propaganda, disinformation, international organizationsAbstract
Within the framework of this study, the authors carried out a comprehensive analysis of informational and psychological operations carried out by the Russian Federation against Ukraine in the period 2022–2024, with the aim of identifying the methods, goals and consequences of their implementation. The researchers examined specific strategies and tactics used by Russia to conduct information and psychological operations, including disinformation, propaganda, cyberattacks and other forms of psychological influence. Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the impact of information and psychological operations on Ukrainian society, domestic politics, international relations and the economy of Ukraine. The authors also highlighted the measures taken by our state and the international community to counter the conduct of information and psychological operations in the information space of Ukraine, provided an assessment of their effectiveness and identified best practices in the field of information security based on foreign experience. The authors of the study draw readers’ attention to the fact that the analysis of information and psychological operations carried out by Russia during 2022-2024 is critically important for the development and implementation of effective countermeasures. They should include both tactical and strategic aspects aimed at ensuring national security, protecting national interests in the information space, and maintaining public trust in state institutions. The researchers established that the informational and psychological operations of the Russian Federation against Ukraine were carried out in a complex manner, including such components as disinformation, propaganda, cyberattacks and other forms of psychological influence. They were aimed at destabilizing the situation in Ukraine, discrediting the Ukrainian leadership, creating panic among the population and intensifying internal conflicts. These operations were well planned and executed through various channels, which made them extremely effective in achieving their objectives.
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