legislation of Ukraine, starostinsky district, territorial community, Lutsk, city council, legal entity, elder, RegulationAbstract
Starostinsky district is the newest component of the decentralization process, which is the territory of a united territorial community created in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On voluntary unification of territorial communities”. Starostinsky district is formed by the relevant village, settlement, city council consisting of one or several settlements, on the territory of which at least five hundred residents live. The activities of the district are regulated by the Regulation on Starostinsky districts. When forming starostinsky districts, historical, natural, ethnic, cultural and other factors influencing development in terms of socio-economic indicators are taken into account. The Lutsk urban territorial community includes five starostinsky districts: Bogolyubsky, Zhidichynsky, Zaborolsky, Knyagininovsky, Priluksky. Lutsk urban territorial society is an association of residents of villages – 34 villages, settlements – 1, cities – 1, having a single administrative center – the city of Lutsk. Village, settlement, city councils approve elders for their positions upon the recommendation of the relevant village, settlement, city mayor. The elder is an official of local government and is guided in his/her activities by the Regulation on the elder, exercising certain powers, and also has certain rights and obligations.
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