Example of article design

УДК 327.7:061.2


Bairak Serhii Oleksandrovych,
Candidate of Political Science,
Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration
of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6290-7634

In today’s multipolar world, the topic of maintaining peace and security is of utmost importance. The United Nations (UN) plays a key role in resolving international conflicts. It has been established that the main mechanisms of the United Nations in the settlement of interstate conflicts are: preventive diplomacy, peacemaking/peacekeeping, coercion, peacekeeping, and peace building in the post-conflict period. In the initial phase of a «stable peace» conflict, «conventional diplomacy» without international intervention is effective. In conditions of «unstable peace», the mechanism of «preventive diplomacy» is involved. (not less than 1800 printed characters)
Key words: United Nations, mechanisms for resolving interstate conflicts, Ukraine, preventive diplomacy, peacemaking, peace enforcement, peacekeeping, peace building.

Байрак С. О. Механізми організації обєднаних націй щодо врегулювання міждержавних конфліктів
Вумовахсучасногобагатополярногосвітутемапідтриманнямирутабезпекинабуваєнадважливогозначення. Основна роль у врегулюванні міжнародних конфліктів належить Організації Об’єднаних Націй (ООН). Встановлено, що основними механізмами ООН у врегулюванні міждержавних конфліктів є: превентивна дипломатія, установлення миру/миротворчість, примус до, підтримання миру, миробудівництво в постконфронтаційний період. (не менше 1800 друкованих знаків)
Ключові слова:
Організація Об’єднаних націй, механізми врегулювання міждержавних конфліктів, Україна, превентивна дипломатія, миротворчість, примус до миру, підтримання миру, миробудівництво.

Relevance of research. In the conditions of the modern multipolar world, the strengthening of integration processes, the destruction of interstate and interregional barriers, the topic of maintaining peace and security becomes of paramount importance. The main role in the settlement of international conflicts belongs to the United Nations (UN). The activities of the UN in this direction have a complex multi-component structure and in their essence use a number of mechanisms designed to perform one of the most important functions of the organization - maintaining peace in the world.

The purpose of the article is to determine the main mechanisms of the UN in the settlement of interstate conflicts and establish their effectiveness in the conditions of the war of the Russian state against Ukraine.

Analysis of recent research and publications. The mechanisms of the United Nations (UN) regarding the settlement of interstate conflicts are studied by a significant number of both foreign and domestic scientists. The functions and role of the UN in the settlement of international conflicts are discussed in detail in the publications of K. Annan, B. Boutros-Ghali, M. Goulding, etc....

Presentation of the main research material. To date, the activities of the UN in the field of interstate conflict resolution are determined by the Organization's Charter and other legal acts (about 20). Their implementation is entrusted to institutional structures such as the Security Council, the General Assembly, the International Court of Justice of the United Nations and their subsidiary bodies. The latter include the Military Staff Committee, Peacebuilding Commission, Sanctions Committees, Departments of Peacekeeping Operations, Field Support, Political Affairs...

Conclusions. The Russian-Ukrainian war, which has been going on for more than nine years, actualizes the question of the effectiveness of the existing system of international organizations, primarily the UN, OSCE, NATO, etc., which could not prevent the resolution of a large-scale armed conflict in the center of Europe, the unprovoked aggression of the Russian state on sovereign Ukraine...


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1. United Nations Department of Public Information (2008). Statut Orhanizatsii Obiednanykh Natsii [Charter of the United Nations]. Retrieved from: https://unic.un.org/aroundworld/unics/common/documents/publications/uncharter/UN%20Charter_Ukrainian.pdf [in Ukrainian].

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