pedagogical tolerance, English teacher, training, tolerance interaction, teacher facilitatorAbstract
The article describes the results of a formative experiment of the research on the formation of pedagogical tolerance of future foreign language teachers in that part, aimed at the formation and actualization of pedagogical tolerance of English teachers involved in the experiment. The high level of competence of teachers in the field of pedagogical tolerance has been determined as the pedagogical condition, which is directly capable of ensuring the achievement of the goal set in the study. The creation and practical implementation of the training “Learning pedagogical tolerance” provided ways to introduce the author's system of training in the process of preparation of qualified pedagogical support. The article describes the content, methodological and procedural aspects of the implementation of training in the educational process of higher education institutions. Required components of practical classes, methods and forms of work with training participants have been identified. A detailed description of the stages of the lesson and the goals with which the appropriate methods and techniques were applied has been given in the article. In the process of empirical research, the methods of analysis and synthesis (for the selection of content material), observation, conversation, questioning, testing were applied. The procedural aspect of the study involved the use of such interactive forms and teaching methods as communicative training, dialogue, analysis of practice situations, group discussion, brainstorming, games, various exercises, problem-finding tasks, as these methods, due to the active involvement of teachers, increased mastering, understanding and creative application of knowledge, skills and abilities in solving practical problems. A portrait of a tolerant teacher- facilitator was created, his personal characteristics important for establishing tolerant interaction in the educational environment were defined, namely: patience, trust, kindness, love for children, impartial attitude, empathy, conflicting and communicative competences, ability to reflect, ability to adjust feedback.
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