syntax of modern French, separation, structural features of separation, semantic meaning of separationAbstract
Our research deals with syntactic separation, which is the kind of syntactic linking that occurs as a result of dividing a sentence into several independent statements, intonationally and graphically separated, but common in content. As a result of the study, it was found that the following types of separation can be distinguished by the position of the syntagm to the basic (main) part of the separation structure: final separation (séparatisation finale) and middle separation (séparatisation médiane). Analysis of the material showed that the separation of the final is more common, frequency, characteristic of French literature of the XXth century. During the analysis it was determined that the quantitative parameters of the syntagm also lay down the structural characteristics of the separated structures. It has been established that one, two and multi-component parts may be contained in one separate part. The study showed that by syntactic function, the definitions, applications, circumstances, homogeneous members of a sentence, an adverb and other members of a sentence can act as a syntagm. The analysis of materials indicates, the semantic spectrum of the action of separation is quite wide. First of all, it is the semantic meaning of highlighting, isolating certain information in order to update it. In addition, separation mimics an expressively colored inner speech and reflects an emotional evaluation of the individual. Separation, as an expressive phenomenon of oral speech, denotes one of the most important semantic meanings of separatized structures – the expression of ease, naturalness, spontaneity of communication. Separated structures express internal monologues, texts, reflections, audio dialogues to convey the emotional and mental state of the speaker. Separation with affective semantics adds an authorial appreciation to the objective information contained in the sentence structure. Having analyzed the basic structural types of the organization of separation, its distinct semantic meaning, we can say that the separation of modern French is characterized by structural flexibility and wide semantic-stylistic possibilities.
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