legal discourse, genre, immigration act, legal linguosemiotics, linguosemiotic interpretationAbstract
The present paper seeks to outline a theoretical framework for the study of the genre of the immigration act in the legislative discourse of the USA and is structured in accordance with the main points that it aspires to clear up. Firstly, the fundamental genre features of the immigration act are singled out: 1) agency, which is revealed in semiosis - the process in which the text of the act functions as a sign; 2) sociality, which results from the agency of law as any legal action is socially determined; 3) genre markedness of the code, informational and cultural dimensions of semiosis of the immigration acts. The third feature is manifested in the parameterization of the genre of the act as a repeated functional unity of signs, which implies a) stability of linguistic coding (code dimension); b) determination of the content by the needs of society (informational dimension); c) compliance with the legal system and the existing social institution of law (cultural dimension). Secondly, it is claimed that the genre of the immigration act presents one of the research objects in legal linguosemiotics. The latter is proposed to be singled out as a separate subdivision of linguosemiotics. It is argued that a fundamental method of genre research in legal linguosemiotics is linguosemiotic interpretation, which is aimed at a) the description of key genre-shaping codes (key legal terms) used by legislators to make the objective world accessible; b) the establishment of the “syntagms” formed by key codes and other codes determined by the subject of enactment; c) the description of the location of the immigration act in the space of the US legal culture. Thirdly, the paper suggests the canons which the linguosemiotic interpretation should be grounded upon a) the canon of the determination of the interpretation by the needs of society (the model of legal reality); b) the canon of the integrity of the object of interpretation; c) the canon of the completeness of the interpretation.
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