language picture of the world, fantasy discourse, occasional collocations, conceptsAbstract
«Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light» – a quote from the English writer's fantasy novels about the adventures of Harry Potter and his friends who fight against the dark wizard, clearly defines the concept of faith in miracles, faith in victorious good, which especially resonates today with current global realities, as the struggle between truth and evil. The purpose of this work is to carry out an analysis of the cognitivecommunicative nature, formation and functioning of occasional adjectives and word combinations with an adjective in the English-language texts of JK Rowling's popular novels, which have a significant impact on active processes in the possibilities of syntactic compatibility of the English language; to determine characteristic processes of construction and functioning of non-standard adjectives and word combinations with the adjective of author's innovation, which deepens information about JK Rowling's individual style and artistic concept. Language is a treasury of universal ideas of the community, in particular national, about reality, it is a treasury of conceptual concepts reflected in the categories and forms of language. Language reacts intensively to social changes and processes. The linguistic conceptual picture is constantly enriched and updated. The postmodern author's fairy tale (fantasy) determines the constant enlargement of the composition of the modern English language with occasional individual authorial units that reflect the realities of the original world, created by the imagination of the speaker. The focus of the study is a thorough linguistic and stylistic analysis of the author's innovations in the linguistic discourse of the novels of the English writer Joan Kathleen Rowling, in particular, the features of the creation and functioning of adjectives and word combinations with an adjective, with attention primarily to their idiolect characteristics, as well as an analysis of their cognitive and communicative nature. Methodology: the essence of the investigated phenomenon, namely: newly created adjectives and word combinations with the adjective in the texts of the Potteriana in the structural and communicative-functional section, traced on the voluminous factual material (the total array of which is 5,975 units, created by continuous sampling from the artistic sources of the Potteriana ). Scientific novelty: by now there has been no separate study on the linguistic-cognitive features of adjectival phrases and their role in the creation of the author's idiostyle, which motivates the choice of the research object: the cognitive-communicative features of adjectival phrases in J. Rawling's speech. Conclusions: It was determined that adjectives and adjectival phrases are clearly used for the meaningful characterization of concepts and phenomena, concepts of the surrounding world. The author's artistic concepts of the language picture of J. Rowling's novels are closely related to the concepts of national English culture. The semantics of adjectival phrases, according to our observation, expressing immanently national concepts such as love and courage are at the center of the British national mentality. Goodness, family, freedom, self-help/self-improvement, equality/justice express the relationship to the realities that are somehow related to the life of a person, which the writer puts in the focus of her novels. So, it was concluded that the language creation of modern English writer is clearly victorious, which is evidenced by the frequently used value concepts of goodness, love, friendship. The linguistic nature of phrases with an adjective in the linguistic discourse of the English writer's novels allows us to consider them as a creative potential for revealing the writer's style through the effective use of structurally simplified and contextually enriched phrases with an adjective, aimed at creating a colorful and at the same time contrasting verbal pattern of artistic expression.
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