onym space, anthroponyms, mythonyms, toponyms, ethnonyms, ancient Greek novel, Achilles TatiusAbstract
The article attempts to characterize in general terms the onomasticon of the novel "Leucippe and Clitophon" written by the ancient Greek writer of the 2nd century A.D. Achilles Tatius. The purpose of the research was word-formative, etymological, lexical-semantic and functional analysis of proper names detected in the text of the novel. The main methods used in the work were the descriptive and quantitative analysis methods, which made it possible to select and systematize proper names of various thematic groups on the basis of contextual analysis, to reveal the peculiarities of the onym’s space structure in the researched text, to characterize the content and stylistic functions of onyms, to find out the semantics of the investigated units with a component analysis of their explicit and implicit components and provide detailed statistical data. The onym space of the Achilles Tatius’ novel includes 181 proper names (anthroponyms, mythonyms, toponyms, ethnonyms, katoikonyms, chrononyms), including their functioning in the text it is 1280 word usages. Since in the ancient Greek language adjektonyms, ethnonyms and katoikonyms are orthographically presented as proper names, they also became the subject of our study. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the fact that in the article for the first time a systematic analysis of onym units in the novel "Leucippe and Clitophon" has been carried out; five structural components of the novel’ onym space have been singled out – anthroponyms, mythonyms, toponyms, ethnonyms / katoikonyms and chrononyms, among which a group of mythonyms (75 names) belonging to the onomastic periphery (276 word usages) turned out to be dominant, and a group of anthroponyms (31 names has 768 fixations in the text) to become principal; the etymological, semantic and functional features of the proper vocabulary in the text of the novel have been determined. Conclusions. The use of these or other onym units is primarily specified by the theme and plot of the novel, determines the specificity of the worldview of the ancient Greek writer Achilles Tatius and reveals his unique idiostyle.
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