
  • Tetiana Kyrychenko


interruption, cognitive dissonance, communication, dialogical discourse, interaction


The article covers the general features of the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance in the context of interruptions in speech and elucidates the ways of its overcoming. The basic principle of overcoming cognitive dissonance is formulated, which reflects the intentional mood of the communicant. The reasons that determine the need for the interruption study in the framework of the theory of cognitive dissonance are determined, as well as the aims, tasks and methods of the research are outlined. The complex methodology is presented with the use of a number of methods: inductive-deductive, descriptive methods, as well as discourse analysis, contextual and cognitive analysis. The role of cognitive dissonance in the situation of speech interruptions, which performs the function of the regulator of communicators’ relations, is established. The general flow scheme of the interruption situation within the framework of the cognitive dissonance theory is proposed: the reason for interruption is the discrepancy in cognitive basis of the communicant, which entails the emergence of cognitive dissonance; if there is an intention to change the existing dissonant state, the communicant resorts to measures to improve personal psychological comfort. Particular attention is paid to three ways of overcoming cognitive dissonance in the context of the interruption, namely: changing their own behaviour, beliefs, attitudes towards the speaker, his/her statement, or the situation in general, a relationship, a controversial point of view regarding the information that has become the cause of dissonance in the cognitive world; involving a new cognitive element to the cognitive base, information that can reduce or overcome the state of dissonance; reducing the significance of their own cognitions (beliefs, relationships, knowledge). The results of the research are bolstered with the examples of dialogical discourse taken from the movies and works of contemporary British and American authors of the XX – XXI centuries. At the end of the article conclusions are presented and prospects for the further study of the interruptions in speech interaction are formulated.


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How to Cite

Кириченко, Т. (2021). COGNITIVE DYSSONANCE IN THE SITUATION OF SPEECH INTERRUPTION AND THE WAYS OF ITS OVERCOMING. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (10), 143–149. Retrieved from