
  • Yuliya Kyshenya


linguoconceptology, concept, basic concept of culture, word-nominators of the concept, frame, frame analysis


The article is devoted to the study of the concept of UKRAINE on the material of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko's English speeches (2014-2018). The topicality of the topic is due to the several factors. Firstly, this is a special concentration of international attention to the events and life in Ukraine in connection with the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2019. Secondly, the rapid development of linguoconceptology, associated with the growth of scientific interest to the conceptual picture of the world formation, to the studies of the basic concepts of every single culture, to which the concept UKRAINE belongs. The work identifies the place of the concept UKRAINE among other basic concepts of Ukrainian culture, identifies the key words representing the given concept in the discourse units under study and the name of the concept – UKRAINE. The frame analysis of the concept UKRAINE was conductud. As a phenomenon, the social concept UKRAINE is characterized by variability. This feature is best disclosed in the possessive frame. Having filled its slots, we got the following results: Ukraine as a state has its history, has independence, freedom, has a great nation, parliament, government, army; Ukraine had, but lost the peace, its territorial integrity. Ukraine was deprived of the right to the dream, the dignity of the nation, goodwill, but now it is getting them back Much more is to be done to ensure that Ukraine is no longer a container for the uncontrolled quantity of arms, weapons that kill our people, civilians. Now or later Ukraine will obtain its peaceful life in which freedom is not a luxury, but the basis for the society development. For this purpose, after receiving international assistance, new leadership, a new generation of politicians, and a new conscious society, Ukraine needs to maintain independence, restore justice, increase equal opportunities, ensure modernization in all spheres. In general, an attempt was made to show the image of Ukraine to fit into the entire picture of the world in the minds of foreigners through the verbalization of the concept UKRAINE.


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How to Cite

Кишеня, Ю. (2021). REPRESENTATION OF THE СONCEPT UKRAINE FOR THE FOREIGN AUDIENCE. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (10), 149–155. Retrieved from