language, comprehension, semantic categories, functional-semantic field.Abstract
The article is aimed at an in-depth analysis of the relationship between language and thinking, focusing on one of the key theses – the existence of limited semantic categories that determine the meaning of words. It is noted that these semantic categories are always inextricably linked with specific linguistic means of each individual language. In this regard, these categories are considered as a complex network of different-level language expressions designed to accurately convey specific concepts and ideas. This interaction of semantic categories and linguistic expressions is of great importance in the context of understanding the functioning of language. It is considered as a key aspect in forming the meanings of words and revealing their semantic potential. Because of this relationship between language and thinking that accurate expression of ideas and feelings in verbal form is possible. This interactive dynamic between semantic categories and linguistic expression appears particularly important in the context of a functional approach. In this approach, semantic categories receive a functional-semantic status, as they are considered as key elements for the transfer of ideas and concepts within linguistic communication. This approach is based on the idea of a close interaction between the semantic categories that determine the content and the linguistic means that serve to express it. As a result of the development of this concept, a model of the functional-semantic field was formulated. The formulated model of the functional-semantic field is also a scientific novelty of this research. It contributes to the systematization and generalization of various aspects of the interaction between linguistic means and meanings. This model can open up new possibilities for the study of language, thinking and their relationship, making a valuable contribution to the scientific community.
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