millennials, neologism, thematic groups, language changesAbstract
The present article defines the notion and concept of millennials as a generation born after 1981 and characterizes it as a generation with a deep dependence on digital technologies, social and economic problems that is concerned with problems of environmental pollution, social inequality and discrimination. Other terms to denote this generation are: generation Y, NEXT, Selfie, echo boomers, network or digital generation, which emphasize deep dependence of millennials on digital technologies. It is this generation that actively influences changes in the lexical structure of the English language via their linguistic mentality. This processes lead to the emergence of neologisms (words or compounds used in a language in a certain period to refer to a new or existing concept in a new meaning, which are understood by native speakers). Based on the list of neologisms from the Cambridge Dictionary this study has classified them into the following thematic groups: 1) ways of overcoming stress (lexemes and phrases, denoting ways to restore mental balance caused by dissatisfaction with the results of social and professional activity, inability to solve tasks, lack of time and opportunities): a) methods, b) animal, c) human being; 2) effective time management (neologisms to indicate a fast pace of life, a constant shortage of time and the need for rational planning); 3) healthy lifestyle (lexical units denoting conscious approaches to eating, new sports and leisure time activities): a) diet, b) sports, c) leisure time activities; 4) relationships (new words reflecting democratic principles, overcoming gender stereotypes, importance of individuality and self-expression): a) principles of parenting, b) principles of relations between men and women, c) overcoming gender inequality; 5) living conditions (units which emphasize efforts to economize on accommodation, priority of infrastructure and district, remote work opportunities, energy efficiency and waste recycling); 6) attitude to the environment (neologisms designating environmental changes and ways to protect and enhance the environment to prevent risk of harm to human health).
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