
  • Oksana Petrenko



term, robotics terminology, synonym, synonymy, synonymous relations


The article investigates the phenomenon of synonymy of terms of the German language in the field of robotics on the material of 1670 language units, selected through a continuous sample of 16 professional sources (professional texts in robotics). The reasons that determine the need to study the synonymous relations of German-language terms of robotics, as well as subject, object, methods and tasks are outlined in this research. Two opposing views on the solution of the problem of terminological synonymy are considered in the article. The concept of synonym, doublet, synonymy, synonymous relations was identified. The comparative analysis of synonymous groups on semantic and structural levels is conducted. Most definitions of synonymy in general literary language are based on the proximity of the meaning of lexical units, terminological synonyms are defined as linguistic units, absolutely identical in meaning and interchangeable in any context, and the concept of “terminological synonymy” most adequately expresses the presence of several names for one meaning. In terms of origin, structural and word-forming features, eight varieties of synonymous groups of synonyms were distinguished, comprising 159 synonymous pairs of the studied terminology: foreign term – German term (19 %), mixed root words (17 %), common root words (14 %) ), single-word terms – multicomponent compound words (13 %), German mixed-root synonyms (13 %), full (German or foreign language) and abbreviated name (12 %), term-composites – terminological word combinations (9 %), German root synonyms – (3 %). The largest synonymic layer in the terminology under study is the doublet synonyms of foreign and German origin. This is due to the borrowing of foreign words and the artificial formation of terms based on the German language in order to avoid borrowing and to create their own terms. It is recommended to avoid synonymous terminological names in the professional language and legalize only one name. The prospects for further research of the lexical-semantic organization of the German-speaking term system in the field of robotics have been determined.


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How to Cite

Петренко, О. (2021). SYNONYMOUS RELATIONS OF GERMAN-SPEAKING TERMS IN THE FIELD OF ROBOTICS. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (12), 167–173.