
  • Larysa Rys
  • Maksym Yakymchuk




concept, conceptual feature, verbalizing of the concept, nominative field


The article deals with the analysis of the concept FRIEDEN and linguistic means of its verbalization in modern German. The material of lexicographic sources - explanatory, etymological and synonym dictionaries is systematized. Language means that characterize the concept and its features such as a main word that represents the concept in the language, derivatives of the concept’s nominations, synonyms, stable phrases, which include the concept’s name, dictionary definitions are established and the nominative field oh the concept FRIEDEN is modeled. The concept FRIEDEN belongs to universal concepts. Three its dimensions can be distinguished: it can denote the peaceful coexistence of various states (global, interstate dimension), harmonious coexistence with other people (social dimension) and inner peace and harmony of a person with himself (individual dimension). Based on the etymological analysis, the etymological feature of the concept FRIEDEN which underlies its formation is determined: “a state of protection, of caring, friendly attitude towards others”, which has transformed in modern definitions into a state of harmony with oneself and others. As a content of concepts is close to the content of the concept main word’s dictionary definition, lexicographic analysis and distributional analysis of the concept name are carried out, and the main features of the concept FRIEDEN which are related to its conceptual component are established. The basic conceptual features are considered to be: life / state of internal and interstate coexistence without war or other hostilities; a state of harmony; a state of serenity; peace treaty, agreement between the parties; a condition characterized by a certain duration and territory of distribution. A close connection between the concept FRIEDEN and the binary opposed concept KRIEG is revealed. The great importance of the concept FRIEDEN both for society and for individuals is established. The peace is a great value, which can be of a relative nature, as evidenced by individual lexical units that serve to verbalize the concept, and have a negative connotation, which may be related to the place of this concept in the value picture of the world and its interaction with other moral and ethical values of the people.


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How to Cite

Рись, Л., & Якимчук, М. (2021). LEXICOGRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE CONCEPT FRIEDEN IN MODERN GERMAN. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (12), 180–186. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2020-12-26