digital education terminology, ways of translation, transcoding, loan translation, descriptive translation, analogues, unification and standardization of terminologyAbstract
The paper elaborates the issue of the recent tendencies of translation of new digital education terminology from English into Ukrainian. The study is pertinent due to a wide use of such terminology during the COVID-19 pandemic and consequently the usage of standardized and unified terminology is quite relevant and timely. This study aims to analyze the peculiarities of rendering of English digital education terminological neologisms into Ukrainian. The sources of the data for this research are the e-education websites, European Commission documents on digital education, scholarly articles, and «Innovations in the vocabulary of the English language at the beginning of the 21st century: English-Ukrainian dictionary» compiled by Zatsnyy and Yankov. The results are based on the analysis of the ways of translation of 80 lexemes, which were selected from the sources mentioned above. The results of the translatological analysis of this terminology showed a tendency to translate such lexicon from English into Ukrainian by means of transcoding and loan translation. Approximately 49% of the selected terms are rendered via transcoding, loan translation is used to create 39 % of the Ukrainian equivalents, descriptive translation is applied for rendering 10 % of the terms, usage of analogues constitutes approximately 2 % of the Ukrainian equivalents. One more tendency revealed by the study is transferring of the abbreviated forms of the English digital education terms into the Ukrainian language without graphical changes. Additionally, the analysis revealed the problem of unification and standardization of translation equivalents since a certain number of the English digital education terms lack unified Ukrainian equivalents, which can cause ambiguity. This research fills the theoretical gap in the description and explanation of the modern tendencies of rendering the newly emerged digital education terminology from English into Ukrainian. The author opines that solution of the problem of the nature of the adequacy of Ukrainian translation equivalents to the English digital education terminology contributes to the development of translation aspects of lexicography.
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