Google Classroom, IT, Google Services, cloud technologies, distance learningAbstract
In the article the peculiarities of school IT lessons elaboration and organization using the Google Classroom platform have been analysed. It has been defined that this platform combines such services as Drive, Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail and Google Calendar. The main sections of the Google Classroom service have been identified, namely, «Stream», «Classwork», «People» and «Grades». It has been proved that the “Stream” is the main part of the course, in which the information about the course name is given, the course code (id, latest comments, short reminders and the field to create news or comments are shown. The main targets of the section «Classwork» are to create, view, edit and delete assignments which school students have to do. The advantage of this service is the opportunity for the teacher to use different types of teaching materials, namely tasks, tasks with the test, questions, teaching materials. Besides, the existing post may be used to create new tasks. The section «People» enables to view the information about students (the status of the task, grades, etc.), to send them messages. This function contributes to the teacher – student interaction. Besides, in this tab it is possible to add new students to the course. There are two ways to join the course. The first one is to use the link in the invitation sent to the students’ e-mails by the teacher, the second one is to use the id of the classroom which is entered by the student on the main page of the service. The «Grades» section is available only in teachers' accounts. It provides a quick and easy format to view students' grades for the tasks assigned. Every step in the IT lesson organization and creation has been described and shown. It has been grounded that the recommendations provided in the article may be used not only to organize IT lessons, but also for lessons in other subjects in basic secondary schools, as well as in colleges and other higher educational institutions.
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