
  • Olena Svitlikovska



value system, nominative field, concept verbalizers, nuclear area, perinuclear area, peripheral area


The article investigates the system of values in the American linguoculture through the VALUES concept. We divide the key values into the following main groups: vital, social, political, moral, religious and ideological, artistic and aesthetic, family and labor values. The nominative field of the VALUES concept is created on the basis of linguistic means that reveal it. The structure of the nominative field of the concept is represented by the nuclear and its periphery, which include the meaning of a certain lexeme, introduced by a hyperseme / hypersemes. This higher order semantic component organizes the development of the semantic field around itself. To establish the nuclear of the VALUES concept nominative field in the American media discourse, the definitions of a key lexeme, as well as related lexemes were traced in dictionaries and thesauruses. The analysis of lexicographic sources represented a synonymic expansion of the key lexeme and related units. The following socio-cultural values of the American society were singled out: personal control over the environment; change; time and its control; equality / egalitarianism, individualism; privacy; individual achievement (status, success); self-reliance / independence; competition; future orientation; action / work orientation; informality; directness / openness / honesty; patriotism, etc. The frequency usage analysis of the key lexemes and their synonymic extension is carried out. It is established that the nuclear of the VALUES concept includes Action / Work orientation component. The perinuclear area consists of the following notions: Equality / Egalitarianism, Time and its control, Change, Individual achievement (status, success), Materialism / Acquisitiveness (possess(iveness), consume(rs), customer (s), goods, services), Privacy, Value (s), etc. The peripheral area of the VALUES concept is the following: Practicality, Individualism, Competition, Personal control over the environment, Future orientation, Directness / openness / honesty (sincerity, sobriety, straightforward, frankness, earnest, etc.), American liberalism and capitalism, Informality, etc.


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How to Cite

Світліковська, О. (2021). VERBALIZERS OF THE CONCEPT «VALUES» IN THE AMERICAN LINGUOCULTURE (BASED ON MASSMEDIA TEXTS). Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (13), 134–142.