
  • Galyna BOYKO




Ukrainian as a foreign language, linguistic and ethnographic aspect, oral and written skills, vocabulary, grammatical models, level B2, standardized requirements, language competences


The textbook on Ukrainian as a foreign language for foreign students «Lion City» level B2 is considered and analyzed. The focus is on the linguistic aspect of the book, the history of the city and traditions. The focus is on helping foreign students to learn new lexical material, consolidate the acquired skills of oral and written speech and grammatical models, acquaintance with Ukrainian songs, famous figures of Ukraine and the spiritual life of the nation. The article covers the level of B2 in Ukrainian as a foreign language in accordance with the «European recommendations for language education: study, teaching, assessment» (2003). According to them, the student: understands the basic ideas of complex texts on abstract and specific topics, including technical topics related to his specialization; can communicate with native speakers without stress for each of the parties; is able to make clear, detailed messages on various issues and can express his views on the problem, show the advantages and disadvantages of different options. The texts in the manual are arranged according to the thematic principle: general information, history, technical achievements and inventions, interesting places and events of L’viv. They are not directly related, so the teacher or student can choose the order of their reading and processing. Each text is accompanied by a system of exercises: commentary on the text (explanation of new words); pre-text exercises that allow to prepare for the perception of the text, to connect the knowledge and experience of students with new information; post-text exercises that test comprehension of the read text, as well as form and consolidate grammar skills. The keys to the tasks at the end of the manual will allow students to control the acquired knowledge and use the «Lion City» both for group learning with a teacher and for self-study. Using the QR-code, you can enter a kind of appendix to the manual with audio recordings of the texts contained in it, songs about L’viv, poetry, other interesting information about the city, as well as additional tasks to help students train their phonetic skills. All this will make the learning process with the Lion City a pleasant adventure.


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How to Cite

БОЙКО, Г. (2022). TEXTBOOK ON UKRAINIAN AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS «CITY OF THE LION» LEVEL B2 AS THE MAIN TEXTBOOK OF LINGUISTICS. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (14), 10–16. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2021-14-2