translation studies, translation, trend, translator, modernityAbstract
Translation studies have always played an important role and remain extremely important because they help people, nations and countries find understanding in all spheres of human life. The translation is a complex and multifaceted type of human activity that involves the transmission of the original content through a system of signs in another language. However, society is developing rapidly and generating changes in linguistics, so there is a need to analyze the latest trends in translation studies, which determines the relevance of the study. The purpose of the study is to investigate the latest trends in Ukrainian translation studies through a detailed analysis of theoretical material. Research methods: analysis, systematization, comparison, functional, constructive, descriptive and translation method. The scientific novelty is the main reasonable trends in Ukrainian translation studies. There are two main directions in the history of translation: free translation, which involves translation via meaning and literal translation, which is to reproduce the form of the text. The issue of translation studies remains closely related to current issues of philosophy. The rapid development of scientific and technological progress at the present stage of human life and the establishment of the understanding foundations between speakers of different languages encourages the training of highly qualified translators with compulsory language education. Modern translators must take into account the typology of inconsistencies in different languages; a discrepancy of speech norms, systems in the language of translation and the language of the original; the phenomenon of language purism; correct choice of vocabulary equivalent of a polysemous word; ethical norms. It is worth paying attention to the negative aspects of modern translation studies: funding, low status and prestige of translation work, lack of criticism of translation. Conclusions. Today, the translation process involves the use of different modern technologies through artificial intelligence, but the role of a real translator remains undoubtedly important. The prospect of further research is translation from the point of view of psychology because this approach aims to study the process of translation itself and the study of the human component in translation.
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