


linguistic pragmatics, customs documents, terms, customs terminology, translation, translation transformations, semantic structure of term


The research highlights the linguistic and pragmatic features of the translation of customs control documentation on the example of English and Ukrainian. Lexical difficulties in translating English customs terms have been revealed. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of translation methods used by translators when translating customs terms into Ukrainian: literal translation, transcription, transliteration, semantic equivalent, explication, combination of several translation techniques, permutation, addition, deletion, tracing, translation using prepositions, translation using the genitive case, translation with a group of explanatory words. Different classifications of translation transformations have also been studied: universal and those that are suitable only for complex customs terms. We also performed a statistical analysis of the above-mentioned transformations used in translation. It was found that translation transformations are used in the translation of customs terms due to the difference between the rules of English and Ukrainian. We performed quantitative and percentage calculations to find out which translation transformations are most common when translating customs terms from English into Ukrainian. Their distribution is uneven. The most common are literal translation, translation by semantic equivalent, permutation, transcription and tracing. The least common are a combination of several translation techniques, transliteration, deletion, explication and translation with a group of explanatory words. This differentiation is due to the rules of formation of words, phrases and sentences of the Ukrainian language and the desire to save language resources. In the future studies more attention should be paid to attributive terms-phrases in customs discourse.


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How to Cite

ГУБІНА, О. (2022). PRAGMATIC ASPECTS OF FUNCTIONING OF ENGLISH CUSTOMS TERMS. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (14), 57–61.