



term, terminology, sustainable (ecologically balanced) development, ecologization of human activities, semantics, lexical semantic, thematic classification


Scientific knowledge and elaboration of the concept of sustainable development and its terminology needs to be deeply studied in spheres related to philosophy, jurisprudence or management as well as in linguistics. Implementation of sustainable knowledge in theoretical and applicable ways in terms of sustainable use of resources, responsible attitude toward environment, environmental safety, and innovative technologies requires comprehensive selection, analysis and linguistic description of new lexical items. Language is considered to be an important means of cognitive perception of the world, so the question arises how the sustainability paradigm is reflected by means of a language, in particular how it is conveyed by a word or term, and how new social processes manifest human concern for its future survival, and preservation of natural resources for future generations. The research is aimed at studying of the preconditions of sustainable development terminology, its origin and specifics of units as well as classification of major thematic groups. Linguistic study of the new stock of terms is an important issue in terms of investigation within environmental lexicon and will contribute to better understanding the meanings of the terms, their use and find out the proper Ukrainian equivalents. It will also assist towards the development of the information system support within the Ukrainian lexicographic field. Further investigation of structure of terms, semantic features and specifics of systemic relations will be done in the future studies. The research methods are descriptive in order to study the origins and the method of lexical semantic analysis used to determine the meanings and semantic features of terms and their thematic classification.


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How to Cite

МИКЛАШ, Л. (2022). TERMINOLOGY OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: ITS ORIGIN, SPECIFICS OF TERMS AND THEIR THEMATIC CLASSIFICATION. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (14), 74–81. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2021-14-12