


Internet discourse, digitalized communication, addresser, addressee, Artificial Intelligence assistant


The article focuses on contemporary digitally-based communication (computer discourse, Internet discourse). The aim of the article is to present the overview of the general features of digitalized communication, including the new perspectives of studying its addressee and addresser roles. Methods of research are deductive analysis, synthesis, interpretive and semantic analysis, linguistic modeling. Novelty of research. Digitalized communication involves a variety of «addresser» and «addressee» roles which include Artificial Intelligence agents or at least technology assisted human communicators. The article raises a number of issues connected with transformation of traditional sender and receiver roles in digitalized communication, as well as its influence on the language use and semantic interpretation practice. Conclusions. Internet discourse (ID) is a multifaceted concept that has become the center of research in linguistics and many related disciplines as it combines traditional definitions of discourse with the features of modern digitalized communication. Due to its uniqueness, it is regarded as an independent form of discourse. Its hybrid nature (that of spoken and written conventionally defined discourse) can be specified by functional features, genre diversity, information transmission channel, target audience, types of communication means, stylistics, communication strategies, as well as subject area. The specific features of digitalized communication are transformed nature of communication due to the lack of information about the addressee and the addresser, which involves low protection against misrepresentation and manipulation of information; non-human agents that can act as communicators or at least assist human communicators; blending of features of oral and written speech; structured and organized practice of using visual iconic patterns.


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