


legal translation, peculiar features of legal texts, translation of legal documents, translation methods, translation of legal terms


The paper tackles the issue of the peculiarities of the translation of legal texts (documents) into Ukrainian from English and vice versa. Legal documents are characterized by conciseness, accuracy and clarity of presentation to prevent fraud and material damage. The article indicates the types of classifications of legal documents, their main linguistic features. This study analyzes the general methods of translation proposed by P. Newmark, among which includes the following types of translation: word-for-word, literal, equivalent, semantic, adaptation, free, idomatic and communicative one. The main attention of the article is focused on the types of terms used in the legal text, the peculiarities of translation of legal terms and the requirements for the terminology of legal documents. The article considers nine specific features inherent in legal English, presented by D. Melinkoff. The study attempts to consider in more detail the linguistic features of legal texts, among which we can name the presence of a clearly defined formal structure, the use of language that does not contain emotionally colored, colloquial, slang or metaphorical vocabulary; the presence of repetitions of the same term; the presentation of information is carried out mainly in the present tense; the presence of Latin phrases, words of ancient English origin; predicates in sentences are often used in the passive voice; a special role belongs to the use of modal verbs with the meaning of obligation; use of special idiomatic expressions and phraseological combinations in the texts of legal documents. The method of translation of complex terms has been explained. The reasons for inaccurate translation of terms have been analyzed. Attention is drawn to the factors that create difficulties in translating legal text from Ukrainian into English and vice versa. The study emphasizes the importance of the most accurate translation of legal texts into a foreign language, as a notarized translation of legal document has the same legal force as the original document.


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How to Cite

РОЄНКО, Л., ГОРЛАТОВА, О., & РЕДЬКО, С. (2022). THE PECULIARITIES OF LEGAL TEXTS TRANSLATION. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (15), 91–96.