method, teaching methods, active methods, interactive methods, role-playing games, round table, classificationAbstract
This article analyzes the essence of teaching methods based on the analysis of traditional and innovative pedagogical experience. It has highlighted the actual implementation of active teaching methods, among which the leading role is played by the game interactive teaching methods as the most effective methods of teaching the Ukrainian language to foreign students at institutions of higher education. The purpose of this publication is to clarify the essence of teaching methods in the system of combined linguodidactic terms and to determine the effectiveness of interactive teaching methods. It is stated that game interactive methods contribute to the formation and development of communicative competence and personal potential of foreign students, play a leading role in the modern methodology of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. It was specified that interactive teaching methods, unlike traditional ones, require active interaction and involvement of all participants in the educational process, The advantage is given to those teaching methods that stimulate and motivate the learning activity. The general principles of teaching, which construct the basis of interactive method, include forming positive motivation and ensuring students’ activity by creating problematic situations; increasing students’ interest and motivation for educational and professional activities. The analysis of interactive teaching methods has revealed that the choice of the most effective method is determined by the attributes of the development of cognitive and motivational activities, as well as individual characteristics of the teacher and students. It was found that in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language, interactive methods help to establish psychological contact, form the ability to work in a team, encourage to develop communicative skills, in particular, when it comes to being attentive to the opinion of all the participants of the communication; ensure group unity, develop communicative and intellectual abilities, make a positive impact on the quality of the educational process to improve educational achievements of foreign students.
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