



economic discourse, neologisms, word formation, semantics, word composition


The paper deals with analysing the English-language economic discourse, as it is one of the most productive sources of replenishment of the lexical system of the language. The notion of “neologism” and its stages during its existence are examined. The significance of the study is that continuous progress and various changes in the economy of different countries lead to the emergence of neologisms, which requires a detailed study of their structural and semantic features. The selected neologisms were used for lexical and semantic analysis to identify current trends of neologisms within the economic discourse. The thematic classification of the new vocabulary has enabled to reveal the following categories as: neologisms that name the types of economy/ economic systems, new economic phenomena, money expenditure, trade activities, new types of business fraud, new professions and categories of people, terms related to technology, new concepts in the labour market in the field of economics. The examined material indicates the dominance of neologisms in the following areas of this discourse: economic phenomena, professions and categories of people, new concepts in the labour market. Analysing economic discourse, the following methods of word formation of neologisms were identified: compounding, affixation, telescoping, reinterpretation, borrowing and abbreviation. The most productive methods of word formation in the economic discourse are compounding and telescoping. Telescoping has recently become an active method of the new economic vocabulary enrichment. Less productive methods of neologization are affixation, abbreviation, borrowing, and reinterpretation. It has also been found that economic discourse appeals to a wide audience, constantly adapting to it, balancing between “terminological accuracy” and clarity. This characteristic of economic discourse affects the way information is presented.


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How to Cite

ДЕМЧЕНКО, Н., & БЕРЕГОВЕНКО, Н. (2022). ENGLISH NEOLOGISMS IN MODERN ECONOMIC DISCOURSE. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (16), 25–32. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2022-16-4