



mobile communication terminology, neologism, word formation processes, semantic groups of neologisms, morphological structure, conversion, telescopy, invariant, senses


The article is devoted to the study of ways creating mobile communication neologisms in modern English. The object of research is neologisms in modern English, and the subject is their structure, semantics and functioning in the terminology of mobile communication. Neologism, defined as a word which is new in terms of form unity and content compared to existing linguistic units in the vocabulary and is used in speech, i. e. a lexical unit, perceived as new for some time by most members of a certain communicative community. It has been proven that the basis of the neologisms corpus was taken to denote people as users of communication devices, phenomena that have arisen in this area, and processes that can be performed with the help of devices. Such regular word-formation processes as: conversion, affixation, compression, abbreviation and the like are considered. The studied neologisms are divided into several semantic groups of lexical units denoting concepts related to mobile phones and work on computers, borrowing – as an element of a foreign language (word, morpheme, syntactic construction, etc.), which were transferred from one language to another as a result of language contacts, semantic neologisms, which have acquired a new sense of meaning in the terminology of mobile communication, information neologisms, which perform in language exclusively nominative function, nominating the concept, wordformation models, among the most ways are word formation, conversation, abbreviations, telescope, and the like. It is concluded that a proper understanding of the essence of the neologism requires knowledge of its morphological structure, semantic features that distinguish it from common words and features of contextual functioning. The prospect of further research is presented in the permanent development in the field of mobile technologies, the emergence of an increasing number of neologisms that will need new research.


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How to Cite

ДУДОК, Х. (2022). FEATURES OF THE FUNCTIONING OF NEOLOGISMS IN THE ENGLISH TERMINOLOGY OF MOBILE COMMUNICATION. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (16), 33–37. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2022-16-5