


foreign language, artificial intelligence, soft skills, virtual reality, blended learning, edutainment


The article deals with the latest trends in the study of foreign languages in the era of global pandemic. A foreign language is a component of the professional culture and competence of a specialist in any field of modern globalization. Knowledge of foreign languages helps students to get acquainted with the achievements of other countries and peoples, as well as effectively use foreign language skills in future professional activities at the international level to establish business contacts. The research purpose is to identify the latest trends in the study of foreign languages for students of higher education institutions. The research object is the trends in the study of foreign languages in the era of the global pandemic. Research methods: analysis, systematization, comparison, descriptive, functional, constructive and translation. Practical experience in the context of global quarantine through Covid-19 and a detailed theoretical analysis of recent scientific works has identified main trends in the study of foreign languages: artificial intelligence, soft skills, virtual reality, blended learning, and edutainment. Artificial intelligence performs the following functions: personalization, measurement of learning progress, motivation, and soft integration. The soft skills are necessary in effective study of foreign languages with interactive methods and various forms of work (in pairs, small and large groups, individual work). The VR technologies provide clarity, security, direct participation, and focusing. Blended learning is particularly effective in learning foreign languages because it provides variability and takes into account the individual students needs through a combination of online and offline learning. Edutainment requires considering the psychological students needs through traditional and electronic books, music, movies, educational games, computer and video games, electronic simulators, encyclopedias, web quests, wikis and blogs. To effectively master skills of speaking, writing, reading and listening in a foreign language, it is necessary to constantly consider the latest trends in the educational globalization era. The prospect of further research provides a detailed analysis about the theoretical foundations of modern trends and a description of their practical application in mastering a particular foreign language, in particular, English.


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How to Cite

ЗАГОРОДНЯ, О., ВОРНАЧЕВ, А., & ГОРЮНОВА, М. (2022). PANDEMIC ERA TRENDS IN THE STUDY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (16), 60–66.