abstract, thesis, summary, interbranch terminology, intrabranch term, lexical semantic transformationsAbstract
The article is aimed at investigating the ways of the faithful conveying of English-language transport terms in academic texts of compressed type into Ukrainian. A number of scientific methods were employed in the research: theoretical analysis of academic literature, comparative and contextual methods, statistical analysis of data processing, methods of linguistic and translation interpretation of final results. Relevance of the research is to characterize and compare functional features of theses, summaries, abstracts, to distinguish terminological units inherent in each type according to their structural and semantic criteria and to identify the most applicable ways of their adaptation in translated texts through the transformational approach application. As a result, the abstract is characterized as a brief informative text, outcomes of the main research provisions without author’s conclusions with the predominant application of terms of different structural types. The text of a summary is represented as a text’s fragment in the form of a concise characteristic of a scientific paper with the exposition of the main author’s ideas, research results expressed by author’s terms-acronyms, proper names, intrabranch terminology. The English thesis is characterized as a research theme introduction and its substantiation with the main idea identification where interbranch terms, intrabranch lexical units, terms-internationalisms, proper names, general scientific terms function. Hence, the lexical semantic transformation permutation was described as a dominant way of conveying eight structural models of terminological noun clusters. Combined transformations were employed to translate terminological clusters and terms-neologisms denoting transport systems in the texts of abstracts and summaries: loan translation + adaptive transcoding + permutation + substitution; substitution + omission + loan translation; generalization + explication. Loan translation and transcoding were used to translate simple, derivative interbranch, general subject field terms, terms-internationalisms, general scientific lexemes denominating participants of transport services, operations, transport documents in abstracts. One- and two-component interbranch and general subject field terms expressing transport facilities and transport-related problems were translated through modulation. Partial explication and descriptive translation were applied for conveying proper names, intrabranch terms in the texts of theses and summaries.
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