


image, image trait, genetics of images, internal form, phraseological meaning, phraseological semiosis


The article is devoted to the analysis of the process of phraseological semiosis on the basis of image and identification of genetic types of images that serve as the basis for the formation of the internal form of phraseological meaning. The image is considered as a unit of thought that arose as a result of knowledge of the real world. Objects, phenomena of objective reality are perceived from the standpoint of anthropocentrism, which provides their national-specific perception, vision and evaluation. Signs, characteristics, properties of a recognizable object or phenomenon are revealed, as a result of which a new image is concluded in the human consciousness. The components of a new image are already known images and ideas about an object or phenomenon – cognitive knowledge, which operates memory in the process of cognition, the result of which is a generalized and abstract from the real simplified image. The mental image does not reflect the real object, but only its main features. In order to ensure the communicative function of language, the mental image is verbalized. To choose the appropriate language form, one of the features of the image is singled out, which acts as a motivator of the nomination. To linguize the motivator, a language sign is used, which has a corresponding component in its seed set. The rest of the unused features of the image are implicitly preserved, creating certain stylistic and pragmatic potentials. We have defined national-cultural and transcultural as the basic groups of images of phraseological semiosis. Analysis of images of national and cultural origin, which served as the basis for the formation of the internal form of phrases, revealed their genetic groups associated with onyms, place names, astronomers, gastronomes, names of clothing and footwear, names of currencies, names of length, weight, volume and time, artefacts, colouronyms, zoonyms, phytonyms, folklore images. Phraseologisms to denote stereotypes formed using the sign-motivator of transcultural images, associated with mythologies, biblical studies, the names of world-famous personalities of non-German origin, non-cultural lacunas.


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How to Cite

ОРЕЛ, І. (2022). IMAGE AS A BASIS FOR THE FORMATION OF PHRASEOLOGICAL MEANING. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (16), 157–164.