medical translation, information materials, primary healthcare provision during hostilities, strategies and tacticsAbstract
The presented study describes strategies of rendering information materials on primary healthcare provision during hostilities. Its relevance is derived, on one hand, from the exigence of hostility-related tactical healthcare skill-building (TCCC and TECC protocols) based on the decade-long practical experience of medical personnel from the NATO member states, deployed to the “hot spots”, and on the other hand, urgent need of developing strategies and tactics of rendering the multimodal information materials (frequently protected by the non-disclosure or copyright agreements) for the Ukrainian medical practitioner audience. The key stumbling blocks associated with the study material are: relative novelty of their object (the wide-reaching demand for such information materials being experienced only with the largescale RF aggression against Ukraine and its territories); need for building a new corpus of medical terminology directly related to the tactical healthcare provision; specific features of target audience (not every medical practitioner in Ukraine can use the English online sources or has access to the international online-platforms); as well as nature of information materials combining the audial and graphic components. The aim of presented study is to outline and develop strategies of rendering medical information with consideration for the specifics of information materials and needs and access capacities of the recipients. The study was performed on a complete sample, using the descriptive and contrastive methods, comparative translation analysis, and contextual analysis. The results we have obtained testify to the key strategies of rendering information materials on primary healthcare provision during hostilities being determined by the subtitling, as this mode of audiovisual translation enables the recipients to hear the original audiosequence or to get access to the online-presentation involving the Powerpoint slides. Due to the temporal and spatial restrictions, typical of subtitling, as well as language systemic differences and semiotic redundancy, translation strategies are aimed at the target text’s reduction (in comparison to the source one). The translator’s task, in this case, is to ensure that the medical practitioner receive the maximal relevance of information under the extant circumstances, with a minimum input of effort. The key strategies of subtitling are, thus, compression (condensation) and omission. They are closely connected and frequently used in combination with one another.
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