



conflictive, fiction discourse, semiosis, multimodality, semiotic resource, verbal and nonverbal means of communication, structural and semantic approach, pragmalinguistics


The article focuses on the typology of conflictives as complex multicomponent discursive formation from the standpoint of modern linguosemiotics, the theory of multimodality and discourse analysis. In particular, special attention is paid to the structural-semantic and cognitive-pragmatic aspects of the functioning of conflictives in fiction discourse, which allows the author to systematize the conflictives as operational units of research in the semiotic space of fiction discourse on the basis of above-mentioned criteria. Emphasis is placed on the conflict which unfolds mainly in the discursive zone of the character or in the discursive zone of the narrator as a secondary narrative strategy and is realized with the help of conflictives as emergent discursive constructs, the result of interactive construction by means of verbal, nonverbal and paraverbal semiotic resourses. The linguosemiotic space of their realization is in the plane of disharmony of interpersonal relations of characters and its semiosis is built on cognitive-semiotic and communicative-pragmatic features of conflictives as operational units of conflict discourse. As a result, the systemic character of conflictives on the basis of selected features is claimed and taxonomy of speech acts based on communicative-pragmatic criterion including the elements of the Theory of Speech Acts, the Principle of Cooperation, and the Theory of “Face” is built. To achieve the aim of the research, a linguosemiotic and communicative-pragmatic approaches to the analysis of conflict in fiction discourse framed by modern paradigm of linguistic research were applied; linguopragmatic analysis, elements of conversational analysis, multimodal discourse analysis were involved, the specifics of development and functioning of conflictives in fiction discourse were revealed. The obtained results of the research will allow systematizing the knowledge about the role and functioning of conflictives in modern semiotic-discursive dimension of the study of fiction discourse.


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How to Cite

ЧЕРНЕНКО, О. (2022). TYPOLOGY OF CONFLICTIVES IN MODERN ENGLISH FICTION DISCOURSE. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (16), 200–206. https://doi.org/10.32782/2410-0927-2022-16-29