Defensive forces of Ukraine, Viysk term, ways of establishing Viysk terms, ways of translating Viysk termsAbstract
Rapid scientific and technological progress in modern society, the requirements of automation of information processing in various fields of human activity, the intensification of international cooperation leads to an increase in terminology of various sciences as a means of obtaining and organizing scientific knowledge. At a time when Ukraine is resisting Russia’s aggression and many partner countries are helping not only with information and humanitarian aid, but also with weapons, the issue of translating military terminology has become a matter of national security, which has led to the relevance of scientific intelligence. The purpose of this study was to analyze the ways of formation and translation of German military terms into Ukrainian. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive analysis of ways to create and translate German military terms into Ukrainian. It was in studies revealing that the most relevant ways of forming German military terms are morphological (word formation, abbreviation) and syntactic (truncation, borrowing). From the point of view of difficulties of understanding and translation, the military terms analyzed in the presented research can be divided into: a) terms that denote the realities of the German armed forces are identical to the realities of Ukrainian military reality. When translating the terms of this group it is possible to use internationalisms, use the equivalent, the form of which is not related to the form of the German term and use the equivalent, when the general meaning of the multicomponent term completely coincides with the Ukrainian equivalent, and some components differ; b) terms that denote the realities of German military reality, which are absent in the Ukrainian military reality and have no terminological equivalents. Such terms are translated through description, tracing, partial or complete transcription. Each specific choice depends on the practical nature. The military terminology system, being dynamic and variable, is a great source for scientific research not only linguistic but also interdisciplinary. We believe that the study of ways of translating terms in general, and military in particular, will contribute to a better understanding of the laws of professional languages and will be applied, as they are now used not only by the military but also by volunteers, political analysts, journalists and ordinary citizens. The military terms will symbolize only a new level of military and technical support of the best and the bravest Armed Forces of Ukraine.
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