term, anatomical terminology, vocabulary, lexical-semantic subsystem, terminological vocabularyAbstract
Anatomical terminology of the German language is a multidimensional concept, it includes about 8,000 internationally defined names of anatomical terms. More than 600 words-terms and word combinations were selected, which according to semantic criteria correspond to the field of anatomy. German-language anatomical dictionaries, journals of the Prometheus series published by Georg Thieme Verlag (Stuttgart · New York), multilingual dictionaries containing terminology in Latin, Ukrainian and German, Internet resources (online dictionaries) were analyzed, from which terms-words and terminological combinations of German language were selected anatomical terminology. The article considered the structure and features of the German anatomical professional language, characterized its word-formation formats. Morphological, morphological-syntactic and semantic methods of formation of anatomical-histological nomenclature are analyzed. The most productive methods of word formation in the field of anatomy have been identified, which include morphological methods, borrowing, word formation, tracing, and abbreviation. Models of German multicomponent anatomical terms have been clarified. A detailed study of the specialized anatomical vocabulary allowed the authors to conclude that the main word-forming techniques of the terminological system under consideration are borrowing and word formation. Since anatomical texts have a large number of terms, accurate and equivalent translation of terms is one of the most important translation tasks, attention to detail and thoughtful translation of anatomical texts can significantly affect therapeutic procedures, on which human health partly depends. The practical significance of the work is determined by its importance for deepening knowledge regarding the addition of new terms to the anatomical terminology of the German language, as well as its further systematization and unification.
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