
  • Halyna Bernetska


argo, dialect, phraseology, linguistic picture of the world, jargon


The article deals with the existence and functioning of the French youth language, the causes of such a concept and how it is used in the language of modern youth, as well as the conditions and means of creating a French youth language, which is relevant when translating from French. The author emphasized that the developed national language is not monolithic, but rather constitutes the set of forms in which it exists and is manifested in a hierarchically organized multi-stage system. Emphasis is placed on finding French youth slang from the influence of demographic and migration processes within the French Republic. The differences between the slang and literary versions of the French language are determined. The main sources of the origin and formation of the vocabulary of the youth language are outlined. The linguistic features of youth slang at different levels are characterized. The interrelation of the French youth argot and the development of different social spheres of human activity is considered. The possibility of applying the method of transformation, the method of combined translation, as well as the techniques of variative, contextual, hypero- and hyponomic substitutions, calculations, descriptive translation, interpretation and compensation is characterized. The influence of modern computer technologies on modern youth slang trends is noted. Basic ways of formation of slang words and the phraseology of the youth speech are analyzed. The specific directions of future translation, contrast, lexicological, lexicographic, stylistic studies have been identified: the translation of the language of films with an argot component, modern youth argot, argotisms of national-territorial variants of the French language; the creation of bilingual dictionaries of argotic vocabulary; theory and practice of forming translation competence in the field of social dialectology. The importance of considering the content and quality content of youth slang under the influence of modern social processes is emphasized. The relationship of cultural features of youth slang is revealed, which manifests itself in opposition to social patterns and norms.


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How to Cite

Бернецька, Г. (2021). LINGUOSTYLISTIC FEATURES OF FRENCH YOUTH SLANG TRANSLATION. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (11), 5–10. Retrieved from