mediation, mediator, conflict, communicative situation of “reconciliation”Abstract
In the modern world, the problem of constructive conflict resolution is so urgent that its solution is perceived as one of the most important factors for general well-being in society. Thus, the article is devoted to the study of mediation as a tool for constructive conflict resolution in the communicative situation of “reconciliation”. It has been detected that in the process of harmonizing interpersonal interaction mediation is presented as an informal conflict resolution method which has no legal characteristics. It has been determined that in the communicative situation under study the mediator is an optional interlocutor whose activity promotes mutual understanding between the two parties. Attention has been given to the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the mediation process. The differences between formal and informal mediation have been outlined. The author has singled out three forms of the linguistic phenomena under study: spontaneous mediation initiated by the mediator, planned mediation initiated by the mediator, and planned mediation initiated by the offender (the interlocutor who has caused the conflict situation). It has been determined that to act as a mediator a person should be respected and trusted by both parties to a conflict. The mediators’ aim is to facilitate communication between the interlocutor who has caused the conflict and the interlocutor who has suffered from it, provide a collaborative environment, and thus, help the parties to a conflict reconcile with each other. Complex analysis has made it possible to detect and describe the main features of mediators’ communicative behaviour. They are empathy, subjectivity, didactic orientation of a significant part of mediators’ statements, and representing decision to restore harmonious relations between the conflicting parties as the only right solution. The theoretical foundations are illustrated with the examples from the works of English-language fiction of the XX– XXI centuries. All of the examples represent the communicative behaviour of participants in the situation of “reconciliation” in the process of informal speech interaction.
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