
  • Olha Vasylenko


neologism, computer vocabulary, affixation, composition, abbreviation, computer terms


The article summarizes the current trends in the formation of computer vocabulary. The main ways of forming computer vocabulary are analyzed, as well as the methods of forming computer terminology. The extralinguistic factor, namely the information revolution (the development and implementation of the latest information technologies) plays a leading role in changes in the computer lexicon corpus. Depending on the sphere of use, computer vocabulary can be divided into several groups: commonly used computer vocabulary; Internet users vocabulary; professional vocabulary of programmers; vocabulary of users of computer programs; computer games vocabulary. Word-building processes actively branch out computer vocabulary, as evidenced by the presence of a sufficiently large number of singular words. The most active at the present stage is the use of the suffix method of word formation. Computer vocabulary is distributed both in the method of substantization and verbalization. Some words that are part of computer vocabulary are formed by telescopic word formation, in which only parts of the foundations of several words appear in a word. There are several types of speech compression in relation to computer vocabulary: truncation of the basis, collection of the basis, abbreviation, acronym. English computer terms are characterized by different wordformation structure, namely, the available abbreviations, compound words, derivation. The development of the “virtual” economy, the involvement of as many people as possible in the use of the international computer network has led to the emergence of qualitatively new (digital) media that operate exclusively through the Internet. This process led to the emergence of a reflection in the language of such new realities as electronic journals. This group of neologisms was created by telescoping - fusion of permanent computer morphemes with elements that were isolated from words.


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How to Cite

Василенко, О. (2021). FEATURES OF THE FORMATION OF THE ENGLISH COMPUTER VOCABULARY. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (17), 40–45. Retrieved from http://journals.vnu.volyn.ua/index.php/philology/article/view/1101