
  • Olha Dunaievska


nominative space, method of definitions, content analysis, frame modeling, functional-semantic field


The paper highlights key theoretical issues and methods according to which the nominative space of particular phenomenon is researched. The nominative space receives dual interpretation. The first interpretation aspect oversees the nominative space of a particular phenomenon according to the basis of its lingual and cultural studies. The set of methods used in joint lingual and cultural research involves: continuous sampling method, analysis and synthesis, systematization, descriptive method, component analysis, contextual analysis together with onomasiological and semasiological descriptions. The research offers lingual and cultural interpretation of analyzed phenomenon with the elements of synthesized method of definitions. It is described in the paper that the detachment of the nominative bundles based on "part of speech prevailing" principle contributes to the formation of definite nominative groups within the space of nomination. The corpus of nominative units of the latter is represented through principles of field organization. The contextual analysis application certifies its effectiveness in discovering and structuring of major lingual and cultural characteristics of the phenomenon under research, and furthermore it is able to spot the unique and previously undetected meanings hence the specificity of the explored culture. Lingual and cultural platform is also used to detect the presence of associations, values, and exclusive senses native to the culture it is crystallized in. The second methodological aspect of the offered nominative space under investigation is expressed through lingual and cognitive research direction that presupposes the application of methodological media of cognitive semantics, frame analysis, network-based modeling, scripting, field model with core-margin approach, content-categories method, and functional-semantic field pattern. The lingual and cognitive platform is employed as the tool for indentifying the cognitive processes, core schemata in modeling of the nominative space constituents bound to their semantic features and situational correspondence.


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How to Cite

Дунаєвська, О. (2021). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES OF NOMINATIVE SPACE INVESTIGATION. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (10), 74–79. Retrieved from