
  • Yulia Kalymon


computational (electronic) lexicography, corpus, annotation, new media, dictionaries


The article considers the modern state of computer (electronic) lexicography, which is traditionally divided into corpus and electronic ones. At first glance the increasing global computerization has greatly facilitated the work of lexicographers and linguists, however, a number of problems have arisen at once. Among the first ones are the principles of corpora compilation, the requirements of which have considerably expanded since the appearance of the first ones, and at present stage of corpus technologies development corpora should be able to answer a wide range of possible inquiries and meet the needs of different users. Most of the principles developed up till now are standardized and unified for the convenience of both scientific and non-scientific research. The next key issue that exists nowadays is not only the inclusion of the main lexicographic postulates, but also considering technological and operational features of the new media (smartphones and tablets). Provided practical lexicography is primarily intended to meet the needs of the end user, the procedures for determining the needs of users are becoming increasingly relevant today by involving them in surveys and analysis of logs. It is noted that more and more non-specialists of the field are involved in the actual development of lexicographic projects. They perform simple tasks, mainly as volunteers. Such practices also require well-balanced and clear rules in order to avoid creating a low-quality final product. There exist a few online platforms where you can “hire” a number of volunteers to perform such tasks. Another aspect of the development of new lexicography, mainly in the English-speaking world, is a special type of lexicography - lexicography for fun. The main object of research here is the vocabulary associated with certain hobbies, books, films or computer games. The article emphasizes the importance and relevance of this subject with anthropocentric cognitive paradigm of modern linguistics. The state of research of this phenomenon abroad and in Ukraine is clarified and disclosed. The novelty of the work is to analyze the current state of research, development and methods of organization of lexicographic work, as well as to indicate the perspectives of its development in Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Калимон, Ю. (2021). COMPUTATIONAL LEXICOGRAPHY: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES. Current Issues of Foreign Philology, (10), 112–118. Retrieved from